7 - Pearl Islands

Survivor: Pearl Islands!

It's time to kick off another poll series (with a very iconic cast). This time we will determine who our favorite player was during Survivor Season 7 - Pearl Islands!


Here's what to expect: There are 16 players in this season. Each round we will have 4 players to vote between. 2 players will advance each round. In the final round of 4 we will vote for our very favorite player from the season.


Round 1

Sandra Diaz-Twine

Nicole Delma

Rupert Boneham

Ryan Opray


Round 2

Darrah Johnson

Trish Dunn

Christa Hastie

Osten Taylor


Round 3

Jon P. Dalton "Jonny Fairplay"

Michelle Tesauro

Burton Roberts

Shawn Cohen


Round 4

Lillian Morris

Ryan Shoulders

Tijuana Bradley

Andrew Savage

Round 1 has come to an end! Nicole and Ryan have been voted off. Sandra and Rupert will be advancing!


Round 2 has come to an end! Trish and Osten have been voted off. Darrah and Christa will be advancing!


Round 3 has come to an end! Michelle and Shawn have been voted off. Jonny Fairplay and Burton will be advancing!


Round 4 has come to an end! Ryan has been voted off. Lillian, Tijuana, and Andrew will be advancing! It was too close to call between Lillian and Tijuana, so both will advance, and we'll put them in Round 6 where the vote will be between 5 players.


Round 5 has come to an end! Darrah and Christa have been voted off. Sandra and Rupert will be advancing!


Round 6 has come to an end! Burton, Lillian, and Tijuana have been voted off (with a 3-way tie!). Jonny Fairplay and Andrew will be advancing!


Season 7 voting has come to an end. Congratulations to Sandra Diaz-Twine (and to all her fans) for being voted our community's fan favorite for the Survivor - Pearl Islands season!!!


Congratulations to Burton Roberts and his fans here in the community! He is the winner of our community's Second Chance player for Pearl Islands!
